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Hi Ladies!

I am Jamie, a wife and mother of 3. I started out working in the corporate world, but realized I wanted to stay home after our first baby arrived. This desire launched me into direct sales to add a second income for our family. I found my true purpose in motivating and helping other women, and quickly became a Top Leader in my previous company. After 7 years of leading and coaching teams to their fullest potential, I am now pursuing a passion for helping all women learn to walk in their purpose and be Unashamedly YOU.


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My Story

In 2015 we were praying for God to give us the opportunity to give more and do more for His Kingdom, and He answered our prayers by cutting Matt’s main source of income off, putting our 9 day old baby in the hospital, allowing our renters to move out leaving us with another house note, me to go into the hospital sick- how could this lead to answered prayers? Preachers came and preached, along with our Bishop (Pastor at the time) constantly saying someone’s in a process. Hold on. We knew every message was for us. We felt peace, but we needed God to move on our behalf. I was a stay at home mom to my precious girls, something I dreamed of being, but that was ending. There were no other options than for me to get a job outside of the home, or so we thought. My mom asked if I would try selling from home to make money instead of going back to a banking career. I was desperate to try anything, so I sold my kids used clothes and instead of buying more clothes like I’d always done, I bought a starter kit for a health and wellness company. Matt wasn’t totally on board, but he said I could try it. 


30 days into this new adventure, and I was making the couple of hundred dollars we needed extra to keep me home. Not because I knew what to do, had the training, the following, or even knew how to post or take photos- I knew NOTHING about social selling, but I knew Everything about trusting God and putting in raw effort. God blesses effort, and I gave It everything I had. 


Within 1 year I was making more than I even thought was possible with this type of job. We started seeing the reason God had led me here. 3 years in and I became a Top leader in the entire company, leading hundreds of women, teaching and training them how to become a better version of themselves. 5 years in and I reached another top level, taking some of my team VIP with me. It was amazing, fulfilling, and God was blessing us in ways to give back that we’d never seen or done before. We were now giving more than we used to make in a year. It was the answer to our prayers that we were praying and asking for. 


And then something crazy happened- 


…God started asking me to do more. 

To step away from the support system I’d built for my personal team and put that same effort into building up women in the Kingdom of God. 

Women like me, who wanted to do more and give more, but needed a support group in a Kingdom-minded community. 


I told God “No” for 2 years with lots of good excuses. I was making great money supporting people in my organization; why would I step away from this income and pour into others? God continued to make me uncomfortable to the point I could no longer say “No.” I started listening to His still small voice, that was becoming louder and louder. 


From there, 𝐔𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝓨𝓸𝓾 was born. A community of Kingdom-minded women, in truth, going after their purpose- no matter what it looks like. We all have a purpose to further God’s Kingdom, and we all need the support of the body of Christ. Women from all walks of life, all backgrounds, at all stages of life, coming together to be what and who God is calling them to be, 𝐔𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐥𝐲. 


God called me to leave the familiar, to help and encourage women, even if their path looks different than mine. It is for the same purpose. I’m here to answer the call. I pray if this is the community of encouragement you have been looking for, you’ll find it here🤍.  


To be 𝐔𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝓨𝓸𝓾…

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